
- Seasoned Open-Source / JEE / Clojure Developer and Architect
- 25+ years experience as full-time software Developer
- 15+ years experience with Java
- 3+ years hands-on experience with Clojure
- Creator: Apache Tapestry
- Author: Tapestry in Action
I consider myself a seasoned*and innovative software craftsman, with the experience to tackle high level architecture, and the drive to create beautiful, maintainable, high-performance code. I have experience participating in, and leading, successful open source projects going back well over 10 years. I’m an accomplished coder in several languages: especially Java, Clojure, and JavaScript. I also have extensive experience training and mentoring.
I'm looking to join a team where I can learn as well as teach, stretch my boundaries, and create something amazing!
I have experience in a wide variety of languages, tools, frameworks, and libraries. I eagerly embrace the new tools, techniques, and approaches that are constantly evolving in the industry. I strive for elegance and simplicity.
My primary languages are Java, Clojure, ClojureScript, and JavaScript.
I have experience in both back-end and front-end development, often on the same project.
On the front-end, I've used all the major frameworks: jQuery, AngularJS, Backbone, ReactJS, ExtJS, Underscore, and more. More importantly, I have leveraged whatever tools are available to create responsive and complelling user interfaces.
On the back-end, I've used a variety of databases, message queue brokers, caches, application servers, servlet containers, and related tools. My focus here is performance and scalability.
I'm strongly test focused, using a variety of tools to ensure any code I write is high quality.